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The Virginian-Pilot Photograph Collection


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Oversized Photographs and Portrait Sketches


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The Virginian-Pilot Photograph Collection, 1955-2000 | Sargeant Memorial Collection

By Sarah Osorio

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Collection Overview

Title: The Virginian-Pilot Photograph Collection, 1955-2000Add to your cart.

ID: 007/MSS 2021-001

Primary Creator: Virginian-pilot

Extent: 1064.0 Boxes

Arrangement: Series 1: People, Series 2: Subjects, Series 3: Sports, Series 4: Oversized Photographs and Portrait Sketches, Series 5: Negatives.

Date Acquired: 03/08/2021

Subjects: Norfolk (Va.), Sports

Forms of Material: Indexes (reference sources), Negatives (photographs), Photographs

Languages: English

Scope and Contents of the Materials

Circa 1985-1995 photograph library kept by The Virginian-Pilot in Norfolk, Virginia. Also circa 1955-2000 negatives including published and unpublished photographs from The Virginian-Pilot. Also circa 1985-1995 index cards to the photographs and negatives.

Subject/Index Terms

Norfolk (Va.)

Administrative Information

Repository: Sargeant Memorial Collection

Access Restrictions: This collection is open to all researchers.

Use Restrictions: The status of copyright for these materials is governed by Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, U. S. C.). Copyright restrictions may apply.

Acquisition Source: The Virginian-Pilot by donation

Preferred Citation: The Virginian-Pilot Photograph Collection, MSS 2021-001, Sargeant Memorial Collection, Norfolk Public Library, Norfolk, Virginia.

Processing Information: Processed April 3, 2023.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: People],
[Series 2: Subjects],
[Series 3: Sports],
[Series 4: Oversized Photographs and Portrait Sketches],
[Series 5: Negatives],

Series 1: PeopleAdd to your cart.
Box 1: A-Sabah; Ali, Aaisha—Abrams, F. GeneAdd to your cart.
Box 2: Abrams, Herbert—Adams, JoeyAdd to your cart.
Box 3: Adams, John—Agnese, CarlosAdd to your cart.
Box 4: Agnew, Spiro—Albert, CarlAdd to your cart.
Box 5: Albert, Eddie—Ali, Ala HusseinAdd to your cart.
Box 6: Ali-Aghar, Zakeria—Al Khalifa, Sheik Isa Bin Salman; Ali, Shahrazad—Allen, Richard C.Add to your cart.
Box 7: Allen, Robert E.—Alston, WaltAdd to your cart.
Box 8: Al-Majid, Hussein Kamel—Al-Wazir, Khalil; Alt, Carol—Amos, ToriAdd to your cart.
Box 9: Amos, Wally—Anderson, Robert O.Add to your cart.
Box 10: Anderson, Samuel—Annan, KofiAdd to your cart.
Box 11: Annas, Teresa—Archer, DavidAdd to your cart.
Box 12: Archer, Jeffrey—Arnold, George D.Add to your cart.
Box 13: Arnold, H. H. "Hap"—Ashby, Joseph W.Add to your cart.
Box 14: Asico, Antero—Attenborough, RichardAdd to your cart.
Box 15: Attlee, Clement—Aycock, Roy E.Add to your cart.
Box 16: Aydlett, Elton—Badillo, HermanAdd to your cart.
Box 17: Badran, George—Baker, Clara ByrdAdd to your cart.
Box 18: Baker, David—Baldwin, Robert F., Jr.Add to your cart.
Box 19: Baldwin, Roger—Bando, TamasaburoAdd to your cart.
Box 20: Bandy, Ann Vera—Barker, GlennAdd to your cart.
Box 21: Barker, Kylene—Barr, DouglasAdd to your cart.
Box 22: Barr, Jay—Bartholomew IAdd to your cart.
Box 23: Bartholomew, Freddie—Bateman, Herbert H.Add to your cart.
Box 24: Bateman, Jason—Baydush, EdmundAdd to your cart.
Box 25: Bayer, Richard—Beavers, Thomas HowardAdd to your cart.
Box 26: Beazley, Fred W.—Belkov, LeonardAdd to your cart.
Box 27: Bell, Alexander Graham—Bempong, MaxwellAdd to your cart.
Box 28: Ben Ali, Zine El Abidine—Benson, Robert D.Add to your cart.
Box 29: Benson, Robby—Berkowitz, DavidAdd to your cart.
Box 30: Berle, Milton—Betaneur, BelisarioAdd to your cart.
Box 31: Bethea, Larry—Billingsley, AndrewAdd to your cart.
Box 32: Billingsley, Barbara—Black, ClintAdd to your cart.
Box 33: Black Hawk—Bland, James A.Add to your cart.
Box 34: Bland, Larry D.—Blunt, HenryAdd to your cart.
Box 35: Bluth, Don—Bolin, BertAdd to your cart.
Box 36: Bolin, Randy—Boon, John E.Add to your cart.
Box 37: Boone, Cheryl—Borten, KariAdd to your cart.
Box 38: Borum, Frank W.—Brooke-White, MargaretAdd to your cart.
Box 39: Bourne, Peter—Boyd, AlanAdd to your cart.
Box 40: Boyd, Carl—Brady, Allen C.Add to your cart.
Box 41: Brady, Charles Patrick—Braun, KathyAdd to your cart.
Box 42: Brawley, Tawana—Brett, KenAdd to your cart.
Box 43: Bretz, Betsy—Briscoe, MichaelAdd to your cart.
Box 44: Bristow, Lonnie—Brooke, George A.Add to your cart.
Box 45: Brooke, John Mercer—Brower, DavidAdd to your cart.
Box 46: Brown, Allen E.—Brown, James ArthurAdd to your cart.
Box 47: Brown, James—Brown, ShaunAdd to your cart.
Box 48: Brown, Shirley—Bruno, HalAdd to your cart.
Box 49: Bruse, James C.—Buchwald, ArtAdd to your cart.
Box 50: Buck, Bill—Bumpers, DaleAdd to your cart.
Box 51: Bunch, Cheryl G.—Burnett, CarolAdd to your cart.
Box 52: Burnett, Charles C.—Bush, George, FamilyAdd to your cart.
Box 53: Bush, Barbara—Butler, CaldwellAdd to your cart.
Box 54: Butler, Charles Dawson—Byrne, JohnAdd to your cart.
Box 55: Byrne, Kathleen—Cali, WilliamAdd to your cart.
Box 56: Califano, Joseph A.—Campbell, John S., Jr.Add to your cart.
Box 57: Campbell, Joseph H.—Capps, MichaelAdd to your cart.
Box 58: Capps, Ralph G.—Carmichael, J. J.Add to your cart.
Box 59: Carmichael, Stokely—Carrington, Peter Alexander RupertAdd to your cart.
Box 60: Carroll, Charles—Carter, LyndaAdd to your cart.
Box 61: Carter, Manley Lanier, Jr.—Caskey, W. DouglasAdd to your cart.
Box 62: Casolaro, Joseph Daniel—Cavaliere, FelixAdd to your cart.
Box 63: Cavallo, Mike—Champion, OteliaAdd to your cart.
Box 64: Chan, Jackie—Charity, Ruth HarveyAdd to your cart.
Box 65: Charles, Anthony—Cheney, Richard B.Add to your cart.
Box 66: Cheng, Chen—Chisom, Robert P., Jr.Add to your cart.
Box 67: Chissano, Joaquim  Alberto—Churchill, Winston (Part II)Add to your cart.
Box 68: Churchill, Winston II—Clark, SusanAdd to your cart.
Box 69: Clark, Tom—Clidesby, RogerAdd to your cart.
Box 70: Clifford, Clark M.—Clooney, RosemaryAdd to your cart.
Box 71: Close, Glenn—Coggin, J. YoungerAdd to your cart.
Box 72: Coggins, Bobby Lee—Coleman, J. MarshallAdd to your cart.
Box 73: Coleman, J. Marshall—Collins, TaiAdd to your cart.
Box 74: Collins, Thomas—Conner, Edith HazelAdd to your cart.
Box 75: Conner, Eugene D.—Cook, LawrenceAdd to your cart.
Box 76: Cook, Nathan—Coors, WilliamAdd to your cart.
Box 77: Cope, Jimmie Vernon—Cort, BudAdd to your cart.
Box 78: Cortines, Ramon—Covert, Harry, Jr.Add to your cart.
Box 79: Covington, Ferman, Jr.—Crank, M. R.Add to your cart.
Box 80: Cranston, Alan—Criss, PeterAdd to your cart.
Box 81: Cristenson, Ronald—Crouch, AndraeAdd to your cart.
Box 82: Crow, Sheryl—Cummins, BernieAdd to your cart.
Box 83: Cundiff, Jim—Cyrus, JohnAdd to your cart.
Box 84: Czinkoczi, Zsuzsa—Dalton, John N. (1979)Add to your cart.
Box 85: Dalton, John N.—Daniels, JeffAdd to your cart.
Box 86: Daniels, Johnathan—Dashiell, David A., Jr.Add to your cart.
Box 87: Dashiell, Sig—Davis, DonAdd to your cart.
Box 88: Davis, Donald E.—Davis, Richard J. (1970s-1980)Add to your cart.
Box 89: Davis, Richard J. (1981)—Dawkins, PeterAdd to your cart.
Box 90: Dawley, Edward—De Wilde, BrandonAdd to your cart.
Box 91: Deacon, John—DeFord, Robert H., Jr.Add to your cart.
Box 92: Deforrest, Calvert—DeMann, FreddyAdd to your cart.
Box 93: DeMarco, Frank—Dern, BruceAdd to your cart.
Box 94: Dern, Laura—Diamont, DavidAdd to your cart.
Box 95: Diana, Princess of Wales (-1981)—Diehl, Michael and Karen trialAdd to your cart.
Box 96: Diehn, Ludwig and wife—DisraeliAdd to your cart.
Box 97: Ditella, Guido—Doi, RandolphAdd to your cart.
Box 98: Doi, Takako—Donovetsky, GregoryAdd to your cart.
Box 99: Doddy, Alison—Douglas, MelvinAdd to your cart.
Box 100: Douglas, Michael—Dozoretz, RonaldAdd to your cart.
Box 101: Drabble, Margaret—Dry, DaveAdd to your cart.
Box 102: Dryden, John M.—Dukakis, Michael S., Mrs., "Kitty"Add to your cart.
Box 103: Dukakis, Olympia—Dunlop, John T.Add to your cart.
Box 104: Dunlow, William Wayne—Durham, R. V.Add to your cart.
Box 105: Duringer, Anne—Dylan, JakobAdd to your cart.
Box 106: Dymally, Mervyn—Eastman, JaniceAdd to your cart.
Box 107: Eastman, John—Economos, NickAdd to your cart.
Box 108: Eda, Satsuki—Edwards, MickeyAdd to your cart.
Box 109: Edwards, Owen—Eisenhower, JohnAdd to your cart.
Box 110: Eisenhower, Milton S.—Elliott, DenholmAdd to your cart.
Box 111: Elliot, Don—Engholm, BjoernAdd to your cart.
Box 112: England, Richard—Erwin, StuartAdd to your cart.
Box 113: Escalante, Jaime—Evans, Earl James, Jr.Add to your cart.
Box 114: Evans, Frank—FabianAdd to your cart.
Box 115: Fabius, Laurent—Farentino, JamesAdd to your cart.
Box 116: Fargis, Joseph—Fazio, VicAdd to your cart.
Box 117: Fearing, Mollie A.—Ferebee, GraceAdd to your cart.
Box 118: Ferebee, J. Smith—Field, SallyAdd to your cart.
Box 119: Fields, Bill—Fisher, AmyAdd to your cart.
Box 120: Fisher, Anna L.—Flatt, LesterAdd to your cart.
Box 121: Flattum, Lora Lynn—Flynn, ErrollAdd to your cart.
Box 122: Flynn, Jeannie—Ford, DickAdd to your cart.
Box 123: Ford, Eileen—Forte, ChetAdd to your cart.
Box 124: Forte, Fabian—Foxx, JamieAdd to your cart.
Box 125: Foxx, Redd—Franks, FloraAdd to your cart.
Box 126: Franks, Gary—Freeman, Samuel, IIIAdd to your cart.
Box 127: Freeman, Seth—Frishberg, DaveAdd to your cart.
Box 128: Frist, Thomas F.—Fuller, H. LauranceAdd to your cart.
Box 129: Fuller, Keith—Gaffin, MelanieAdd to your cart.
Box 130: Gaffney, Drew—Gammage, AnthonyAdd to your cart.
Box 131: Gammell, Clark—Gardner, ThomasAdd to your cart.
Box 132: Gardner, Tom—Garwood, Robert RussellAdd to your cart.
Box 133: Gary, Esther—Geary, VernonAdd to your cart.
Box 134: Gebbie, Kristine—Gerblick, PaulAdd to your cart.
Box 135: Gere, Richard—Gibbs, LoisAdd to your cart.
Box 136: Gibbs, Marla—Gill, Howard E., Jr.Add to your cart.
Box 137: Gill, Johnny—Gissesot, HeleneAdd to your cart.
Box 138: Gist, Carole—Glover, Savion Kamar-BeiAdd to your cart.
Box 139: Gluck, Henry—Goldin, DanielAdd to your cart.
Box 140: Golding, William—Goode, Michael AntonioAdd to your cart.
Box 141: Goode, Nancy—Gorbachev, Mikhail (1992-)Add to your cart.
Box 142: Gorbatko, Viktor—Gould, HaroldAdd to your cart.
Box 143: Gould, Ira—Granger, Gilbert L.Add to your cart.
Box 144: Granger, Harold—Gray, Eppa J., Jr.Add to your cart.
Box 145: Gray, Francine du Plessix—Green, Samuel L.Add to your cart.
Box 146: Green, Walter—Gregory, MelvinAdd to your cart.
Box 147: Gregory, Natalie—Griffith, NanciAdd to your cart.
Box 148: Griffith, Stephanie L.—Grunwald, MandyAdd to your cart.
Box 149: Grushow, Sandy—Guttenberg, SteveAdd to your cart.
Box 150: Gutterman, Dvorah—Hagelstein, Peter L.Add to your cart.
Box 151: Hagen, Donald—Hall, Carl M.Add to your cart.
Box 152: Hall, Colon—Hamari, RoyAdd to your cart.
Box 153: Hambley, Mark—Hamrick, DougAdd to your cart.
Box 154: Han Si, Hae—Harald, PrinceAdd to your cart.
Box 155: Haran, Mary Cleere—Harlow, JeanAdd to your cart.
Box 156: Harlow, Kevin Glen—Harris, DelbertAdd to your cart.
Box 157: Harris, Donald—Harris, Roland A.Add to your cart.
Box 158: Harris, Ronn—Harshaw, W. G.Add to your cart.
Box 159: Harsley, Raleigh—Hartman, Paul E.Add to your cart.
Box 160: Hartman, Richard—Hasty, JohnAdd to your cart.
Box 161: Hata, Tsutomu—Hawks, James C.Add to your cart.
Box 162: Hawn, Goldie—Haywood, CharlesAdd to your cart.
Box 163: Hayworth, Rita—Hefner, HughAdd to your cart.
Box 164: Heftel, Cecil—Henderson, Jerry Y.Add to your cart.
Box 165: Henderson, Joseph K.—Hepburn, KatharineAdd to your cart.
Box 166: Hepple, Elwynn—Hettinger, Robert J.Add to your cart.
Box 167: Heuberger, Glen—Hill, DawnAdd to your cart.
Box 168: Hill, Debra—Hines, EdnaAdd to your cart.
Box 169: Hines, Ernest—Hlusko, DanaAdd to your cart.
Box 170: Ho, Rodney—Hoffman, George EverettAdd to your cart.
Box 171: Hoffman, Harry L.—Holland, CharlesAdd to your cart.
Box 172: Holland, Christopher—Holloway, VanessaAdd to your cart.
Box 173: Holloway, Wanda Webb—Hooks, Benjamin L.Add to your cart.
Box 174: Hooks, Gene—Horvath, Dorothy M.Add to your cart.
Box 175: Hosack, Darrell—Howell, AlonzoAdd to your cart.
Box 176: Howell, Betty—Hudspeth, LeeAdd to your cart.
Box 177: Huebner, Lee—Hulbert, MarkAdd to your cart.
Box 178: Hulce, Tom—Hunt, Wilson C.Add to your cart.
Box 179: Hunter, Al—Husseini, HusseinAdd to your cart.
Box 180: Hussey, Olivia—Ilyichev, Leonid F.Add to your cart.
Box 181: Imai, Tadayuki—Itani, KhalinAdd to your cart.
Box 182: Itchkawich, David—Jackson, MaynardAdd to your cart.
Box 183: Holton, A. Linwood; Hope, Bob; Howell, Henry; Humphrey, Hubert; Jackson, JesseAdd to your cart.
Box 184: Jackson, Michael—James, KelvinAdd to your cart.
Box 185: James, Louise—Jeffreys, CorinnaAdd to your cart.
Box 186: Jeffreys, Douglas—Jenrette, JohnAdd to your cart.
Box 187: Jensen, D. Lowell—Johnson, BrooksAdd to your cart.
Box 188: Johnson, Bruce—Johnson, JohnnyAdd to your cart.
Box 189: Johnson, Joseph "J. R."—Johnson, Steven LeeAdd to your cart.
Box 190: Johnson, Thomas—Jones, EdithAdd to your cart.
Box 191: Jones, Elaine—Jones, Max B.Add to your cart.
Box 192: Jones, Mike—Jordan, ElizabethAdd to your cart.
Box 193: Jordan, Ernest Edward—Joyner, ReginaldAdd to your cart.
Box 194: Joyner, Robert E.—Kalb, MarvinAdd to your cart.
Box 195: Kalikow, Peter S.—Karpis, AlvinAdd to your cart.
Box 196: Karpov, Anatoly—Kazan, EliaAdd to your cart.
Box 197: Kazan, Lainie—Keith, BobbieAdd to your cart.
Box 198: Keith, Brian—Kelly, Robert FultonAdd to your cart.
Box 199: Kelly, Sandra—Kennedy, Edward M., Jr.Add to your cart.
Box 200: Kennedy, Flo—Kennedy, RobertAdd to your cart.
Box 201: Kennedy, Robert F.—Kersey, WilburAdd to your cart.
Box 202: Kertesz, Andre—Kidwell, Julia SmithAdd to your cart.
Box 203: Kidwell, William—Kiner, RalphAdd to your cart.
Box 204: King, A. D. Williams—King, WarrenAdd to your cart.
Box 205: King, William W.—Kissinger, M. Theodore, Jr.Add to your cart.
Box 206: Kiszczak, Czeslaw—Knauss, DianeAdd to your cart.
Box 207: Knauth, David G.—Kollo, ReneAdd to your cart.
Box 208: Kolstad, John—Koziana, R. A.Add to your cart.
Box 209: Koziol, Joseph S.—Kszepka, JenniferAdd to your cart.
Box 210: Ku, Hsiao-Mei—LaBrier, JohnAdd to your cart.
Box 211: Labro, Philippe—Lamb, GeneAdd to your cart.
Box 212: L'Amour, Louis; Lamb, Joe, Jr.—Landon, Robert M.Add to your cart.
Box 213: Landres, Ezra—Lapetina, Troy H.Add to your cart.
Box 214: La Porte, Graylin—La Tour, Georges; Lapides, Morton M.—Laurenza, VictorAdd to your cart.
Box 215: Laurie, Piper—Layton, JoeAdd to your cart.
Box 216: Layton, Lewis Lee—Ledford, James D.Add to your cart.
Box 217: Ledo, Munoz—Legaspi, Amante G.Add to your cart.
Box 218: Leger, Tony—Lelouch, ClaudeAdd to your cart.
Box 219: LeMasters, Kim—Leslie, Stephen CraigAdd to your cart.
Box 220: Le Sesne, Rae—Levinson, SaraAdd to your cart.
Box 221: Levinson, Stephanie—Lewis, JerryAdd to your cart.
Box 222: Lewis, Joel—Liddy, G. GordonAdd to your cart.
Box 223: Li Tieying—Lincoln, Abraham and wifeAdd to your cart.
Box 224: Lincoln, C. Eric—Lingle, Pamela M.Add to your cart.
Box 225: Lingo, Irving E., Jr.—Little, Ronald JohnAdd to your cart.
Box 226: Little, Royal—Lodge, Henry CabotAdd to your cart.
Box 227: Lodge, John Davis—Long, HueyAdd to your cart.
Box 228: Long, Jim—Loren, SophiaAdd to your cart.
Box 229: Lorenz, Jan—Lovett, LyleAdd to your cart.
Box 230: Lovett, Robert A.—Lucas, L. LouiseAdd to your cart.
Box 231: Lucas, Phyllis—Lundy, ThomasAdd to your cart.
Box 232: Lundy, Tony J.—Lynn, BettyAdd to your cart.
Box 233: Lynn, Bob—MacArthur, JamesAdd to your cart.
Box 234: Macaskill, Bridget—MacQueen, MelanieAdd to your cart.
Box 235: MacRae, Gordon and Sheila—Mailer, Norris ChurchAdd to your cart.
Box 236: Mainzer, Marsha—Manchester, WilliamAdd to your cart.
Box 237: Manchin, Joe—Manning, L. CleavesAdd to your cart.
Box 238: Manning, Robert T.—Marcum, William E.Add to your cart.
Box 239: Marcus, Charles—Marr, John E.Add to your cart.
Box 240: Marrell, Marilyn—Martin, Billy, Jr.Add to your cart.
Box 241: Martin, Brandi Jo—Martin, Walter B., Jr.Add to your cart.
Box 242: Martin, Wayne—Mason, Mrs. William (Vivian)Add to your cart.
Box 243: Masood, Ahmad Shah—Matthews, Douglas G.Add to your cart.
Box 244: Matthews, Francis P.—Mayer, NormanAdd to your cart.
Box 245: Mayer, William Dixon—McCaddin, William J.Add to your cart.
Box 246: McCaffrey, Barry R.—McClellan, Stephen A., Jr.Add to your cart.
Box 247: McClellan, Timothy—McCoy, Laura BelleAdd to your cart.
Box 248: McCoy, Mervin—McDonald, RamionAdd to your cart.
Box 249: McDonald, Russell—McGee, Patsy R.Add to your cart.
Box 250: McGee, Silas—McGuire, Michael T.Add to your cart.
Box 251: McGuire, Roscoe C. and wife—McKerrow, AmandaAdd to your cart.
Box 252: McKinley, Brunson—McMahon, William, Jr.Add to your cart.
Box 253: McManes, K. M.—McNutt, TomAdd to your cart.
Box 254: McPartland, Jimmy—Meany, George (II)Add to your cart.
Box 255: Meany, George (III)—Meguid, Ahmed Esmal AbdelAdd to your cart.
Box 256: Meharg, Darvin Ray—Meneghini, Giovanni BattistaAdd to your cart.
Box 257: Menem, Carlos—Merriman, Robert H., Sr.Add to your cart.
Box 258: Merritt, Aaron—Michaels, LorneAdd to your cart.
Box 259: Michaels, Margaret—Miles, Michael A.Add to your cart.
Box 260: Miles, Pearline—Miller, ErnestAdd to your cart.
Box 261: Miller, Francis—Miller, RogerAdd to your cart.
Box 262: Miller, Russell A.—Minnich, RobertAdd to your cart.
Box 263: Minnis, Gregory Clifford—Miyazawa, KiichiAdd to your cart.
Box 264: Miyori, Kim—Monaghan, ThomasAdd to your cart.
Box 265: Moncrief, Basil—Moody, ClydeAdd to your cart.
Box 266: Moody, D. L.—Moore, Joseph W.Add to your cart.
Box 267: Moore, K. Michael—Mooz, R. PeterAdd to your cart.
Box 268: Mora, Jim—Morgan, SethAdd to your cart.
Box 269: Morgan, Steven E.—Morris, GregAdd to your cart.
Box 270: Morris, Harry—Morse Robert A.Add to your cart.
Box 271: Morse, Scott Q.—Mossier, CandaceAdd to your cart.
Box 272: Mostefai, Seghir—Mugabe, RobertAdd to your cart.
Box 273: Muggeridge, Malcolm—Munson, ThurmanAdd to your cart.
Box 274: Muntz, Earl—Murray, RobertAdd to your cart.
Box 275: Murray, Robert G.—Myers, ErnieAdd to your cart.
Box 276: Myers, Gage Tarbell—Naipal, V. S.Add to your cart.
Box 277: Naisbett, John—Naylor, GloriaAdd to your cart.
Box 278: Naylor, Thomas—Nelson, Frank W.Add to your cart.
Box 279: Nelson, Gail—Nevins, ClaudetteAdd to your cart.
Box 280: Nevoret, Guy M.—Newton-John, OliviaAdd to your cart.
Box 281: Ney, Richard M.—Nilsson, KarlAdd to your cart.
Box 282: Nilsson, Lars—Noonan, John T.Add to your cart.
Box 283: Noonan, Peggy—Novak, Shawn PaulAdd to your cart.
Box 284: Noval, Luis Martinez—Oberndorf, MeyeraAdd to your cart.
Box 285: Oberon, Merle—Ogarkov, N. V.Add to your cart.
Box 286: Ogata, Sadako—O'lill, RuthAdd to your cart.
Box 287: Olin, James—O'Neal, DaleAdd to your cart.
Box 288: O'Neal, Dan—O'Rourke, Timothy G.Add to your cart.
Box 289: Orozco, Gary and Zary—Otten, GerardAdd to your cart.
Box 290: Otten, Robert W.—Pace, PaulaAdd to your cart.
Box 291: Pace, Stanley C.—Palmer, MichaelAdd to your cart.
Box 292: Palmer, Robert—Parizeau, JacquesAdd to your cart.
Box 293: Park, Eugene J.—Parson, TeresaAdd to your cart.
Box 294: Parsons, Aaron—Patton, SheilaAdd to your cart.
Box 295: Patton, Will—Pearlman, RheaAdd to your cart.
Box 296: Pearsall, Robert—Penn, Michaele P.Add to your cart.
Box 297: Penn, Sean—Perlin, SidneyAdd to your cart.
Box 298: Perlman, Clifford—Pertini, SandroAdd to your cart.
Box 299: Perts, John—Peyton, Lawrence A.Add to your cart.
Box 300: Pfeifer, Trish—Philpott, A. L.Add to your cart.
Box 301: Phillpott, Cecil and Robyn—Piland, W. W.Add to your cart.
Box 302: Pilarczyk, Daniel—Plante, RandyAdd to your cart.
Box 303: Plaskett, Johnnie Ray—Pollard, Jonathan J.Add to your cart.
Box 304: Pollard, Michael J.—Popejoy, William J.Add to your cart.
Box 305: Popieluszko, Jerzy—Poussaint, AlvinAdd to your cart.
Box 306: Poutass, Marc—Pran, DithAdd to your cart.
Box 307: Prass, Richard—Price, James H.Add to your cart.
Box 308: Price, Langford—Proulx, E. AnnieAdd to your cart.
Box 309: Proulx, Robert Raymond—Purcell, SarahAdd to your cart.
Box 310: Purdom, Edmund—Quillen, FordAdd to your cart.
Box 311: Quillen, Ford C.—Ragland, LeonardAdd to your cart.
Box 312: Ragone, Stanley—Randall, Robert L.Add to your cart.
Box 313: Randall, Tony—Rawlings, William V.Add to your cart.
Box 314: Rawls, C. Mac—Reagan, Ronald (1990-)Add to your cart.
Box 315: Reagan, Ronald, Mrs. (Nancy)—Reed, June AnnAdd to your cart.
Box 316: Reed, Lou—Reid, MargaretAdd to your cart.
Box 317: Reid, Milton A.—Reubens, PaulAdd to your cart.
Box 318: Reum, James M.—Ribicoff, Abraham A.Add to your cart.
Box 319: Riccardo, James—Richardson, MirandaAdd to your cart.
Box 320: Richardson, Natasha—Ridge, James J.Add to your cart.
Box 321: Ridge, Julie—Ritenour, LeeAdd to your cart.
Box 322: Ritt, Dayton W.—Robb, Charles S. (1989-1992)Add to your cart.
Box 323: Robb, Charles (1993-)—Robertson, LinwoodAdd to your cart.
Box 324: Robertson, M. G. "Pat" and wife (-1984)—Robinson, James D.Add to your cart.
Box 325: Robinson,  James H.—Rockin' SidneyAdd to your cart.
Box 326: Rockne, Knute—Rogers, KennyAdd to your cart.
Box 327: Rogers, Linda—Romero, OscarAdd to your cart.
Box 328: Romero, Pepe—Rorer, MichaelAdd to your cart.
Box 329: Ros-Lehtinen, Illena; Roscoe, Cathy—Ross, HerbertAdd to your cart.
Box 330: Ross, Jerome C.—Rouverol, AliciaAdd to your cart.
Box 331: Roux-Lenbergs, Harold E.—Rudd, RickyAdd to your cart.
Box 332: Rudder, Paul R.—Rusby, CameronAdd to your cart.
Box 333: Rusch, Frank S.—Rust, MathiasAdd to your cart.
Box 334: Rust, Richard L.—SadeAdd to your cart.
Box 335: Sadik, Nafis—Salazar, Gustavo SanchezAdd to your cart.
Box 336: Salb, T. Jeffrey—Sandburg, CarlAdd to your cart.
Box 337: Sandefur, Thomas—Sapp, CarolynAdd to your cart.
Box 338: Sarandon, Chris—Savalas, TellyAdd to your cart.
Box 339: Savant, Bryan Usher—Schafer, Charles RonaldAdd to your cart.
Box 340: Schaeffer, Laurie Lee—Schlitz, Lester E.Add to your cart.
Box 341: Schloendorff, Volker—Schubert, FranzAdd to your cart.
Box 342: Schuck, John—Scott, Bobby L.Add to your cart.
Box 343: Scott, David—Sculley, JohnAdd to your cart.
Box 344: Scullion, Rose—Seldon, DorianAdd to your cart.
Box 345: Seles, Monica—Sgro, Beverly T.Add to your cart.
Box 346: Shaaban, Saeed—Sharer, Mark W.Add to your cart.
Box 347: Sharif, Nawaz—Sheer, ThomasAdd to your cart.
Box 348: Sheets, Bob—Shield, Asa, Jr.Add to your cart.
Box 349: Shields, Brooke—Shrontz, FrankAdd to your cart.
Box 350: Shropshire, Helen P.—Silayer, I. S.Add to your cart.
Box 351: Silayev, Ivan—Simpson, O. J. and familyAdd to your cart.
Box 352: Simpson, O. J., murder case—Sisisky, Norman (1982)Add to your cart.
Box 353: Sisisky, Norman (1983-1984)—Skube, MichaelAdd to your cart.
Box 354: Skye, Ione—Smart, BruceAdd to your cart.
Box 355: Smart, Christine—Smith, Frances R.Add to your cart.
Box 356: Smith, Frances Scott Fitzgerald—Smith, MerrickAdd to your cart.
Box 357: Smith, Michael H.—Smith, Wayne F.Add to your cart.
Box 358: Smith, Willard C.—Snyder, James E.Add to your cart.
Box 359: Snyder, Jimmy—Sorrell, LisaAdd to your cart.
Box 360: Sorrow, Ronald T.—Spector, Leonard S.Add to your cart.
Box 361: Spector, Phil—Spitz, MarkAdd to your cart.
Box 362: Spiva, Ulysses—Stallings, George TruittAdd to your cart.
Box 363: Stallings, John W., Jr.—Stanwyck, BarbaraAdd to your cart.
Box 364: Staples, Janet—Steen, ReiulfAdd to your cart.
Box 365: Steenburgen, Mary—Stephens, Paul H.Add to your cart.
Box 366: Stephens, Paul Myron—Stevenson, Adlai E.Add to your cart.
Box 367: Stevenson, Adlai E.—Stillman, Paula L.Add to your cart.
Box 368: Stimpson, Catherine R.—Storey, Emmett M., IIIAdd to your cart.
Box 369: Storey, Peter—Streleski, TheodoreAdd to your cart.
Box 370: Strelitz, Ellis J.—Styles, HarryAdd to your cart.
Box 371: Styne, Jule—Summers, Lawrence H.Add to your cart.
Box 372: Summers, Robert E.—Swank, Emory C.Add to your cart.
Box 373: Swann, Lynn—Tabak, JeffreyAdd to your cart.
Box 374: Tabatabai, Ali A.—Tarbutton, Lloyd T.Add to your cart.
Box 375: Tarkanian, Jerry—Taylor, Garland LeRoyAdd to your cart.
Box 376: Taylor, Gene—Taylor, Walter H., Jr.Add to your cart.
Box 377: Taylor, Walter M.—Terlizzese, KathleenAdd to your cart.
Box 378: Terpil, Frank—Thomann, Ralph J.Add to your cart.
Box 379: Thomas, Agnes—Thomas, Vincent G., IIAdd to your cart.
Box 380: Thomas, Vincent J.—Thornton, BuckAdd to your cart.
Box 381: Thornton, C. D.—Timberlake, Abraham LincolnAdd to your cart.
Box 382: Timerman, Jacobo—Tomasulo, AntonioAdd to your cart.
Box 383: Tombalbaye, Francois—Townes, HarryAdd to your cart.
Box 384: Townes, John W.—Trible, RosemaryAdd to your cart.
Box 385: Trice, Paul—Truly, Richard H.Add to your cart.
Box 386: Truman, Mrs. Harry S.—Tucker, SophieAdd to your cart.
Box 387: Tucker, Tanya—Turner, TinaAdd to your cart.
Box 388: Turner, Ulysses—Ughi, UtoAdd to your cart.
Box 389: Uhlar, Jack—Valenzuela, FernandoAdd to your cart.
Box 390: Valk, Lisa—Van Gogh, VincentAdd to your cart.
Box 391: VanHart, Tessa—Vaughn, BrockAdd to your cart.
Box 392: Vaughn, Earl—Vestal, DanielAdd to your cart.
Box 393: Vette, Charles R.—Vogel, TishAdd to your cart.
Box 394: Vogel, Winston Dan—Wade, RobertAdd to your cart.
Box 395: Wade, Virginia—Waldron, H. B.Add to your cart.
Box 396: Waldrop, John—Walker, SandraAdd to your cart.
Box 397: Walker Spy—Walsh, RaoulAdd to your cart.
Box 398: Walsh, Richard G.—Ward, JimAdd to your cart.
Box 399: Ward, Jonathan—Warner, SamAdd to your cart.
Box 400: Warner, Volney F.—Waterfield, FredAdd to your cart.
Box 401: Waterfield, Harold H.—Watts, Robert L.Add to your cart.
Box 402: Watts, Sonja M.—Webster, E. W.Add to your cart.
Box 403: Webster, Frank—Welch, DickAdd to your cart.
Box 404: Welch, Elisabeth—Wendley, Neal S.Add to your cart.
Box 405: Wendt, George—Wheatley, Gary F.Add to your cart.
Box 406: Wheatley, Phillis—White, HapAdd to your cart.
Box 407: White, Harry Dexter—Whitehurst, G. William, Mrs.Add to your cart.
Box 408: Whitehurst, G. William (-1973)—Whitworth, KathyAdd to your cart.
Box 409: Whitworth, Larry—Wilder, L. Douglas (1990)Add to your cart.
Box 410: Wilder, L. Douglas (1991)-Williams, BillAdd to your cart.
Box 411: Williams, Billy Dee—Williams, Junius H., Jr.Add to your cart.
Box 412: Williams, Kathy—Williams, WalterAdd to your cart.
Box 413: Williams, Walter E.—Wilson, Frank C.Add to your cart.
Box 414: Wilson, H. L.—Winslow, Boyd H.Add to your cart.
Box 415: Winslow, Erik L.—Wolfman, WalterAdd to your cart.
Box 416: Wolfram, William—Woods, AlAdd to your cart.
Box 417: Woods, Christina—Wright, Frank LloydAdd to your cart.
Box 418: Wright, George L.—Wynn, Samuel, Jr.Add to your cart.
Box 419: Wynn, Steve—Yetiv, SteveAdd to your cart.
Box 420: Yeutter, Clayton—Younis, FawazAdd to your cart.
Box 421: Yount, Stephen—Zelaya, HenryAdd to your cart.
Box 422: Zelenko, Anatoly—Zuckert, GeneAdd to your cart.
Box 423: Zuckerman, Alex—Zyuganov, GennadiyAdd to your cart.
Box 424: Nixon, Richard, and Mrs. (Part 1-5)Add to your cart.
Box 425: Nixon, Richard (Part 6-9)Add to your cart.

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