Searching for Subject: Isle of Wight County (Va.)
Records and Manuscripts
5 Matches)
- Collections Manuscripts
- Thomas Applewhaite's Will, 1816 001/01/MSS 0000-358
- Debra Padden Scott Genealogy Research Notes, circa 1979 001/01/MSS 0000-702
- Phillip Craig Bilby Maps, 1985-2000, undated 001/01/MSS 2016-032
- Parker Family Papers, 1756-1943, undated 001/01/MSS 2018-010
- Collections
- Steele, Buchanan, and Capps Families Photographs, 1920-1930, 1932, 1935, 1970, 1983, undated 007/MSS 0000-008
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