First Lutheran Church Map Collection, 1932-1966 | Sargeant Memorial Collection
ID: 001/01/MSS 2017-042
Extent: 6.0 Items
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Detailed Description
Item 1: Map, Norfolk and Vicinity: Western Section, 1956 October
Item 2: Map, Norfolk and Vicinity: Western Section, 1966 January
Item 3: Map, Population Distribution Map of Norfolk 1960, 1962
Item 4: Map, Wagner's Complete Map of Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Environs, 1944
Item 5: Map, City of Norfolk, Virginia, 1965 August 25
Item 6: Diploma, Gustav Edward Kiligas, 1932 June 13
Item 1: Map, Norfolk and Vicinity: Western Section, 1956 October
Item 2: Map, Norfolk and Vicinity: Western Section, 1966 January
Item 3: Map, Population Distribution Map of Norfolk 1960, 1962
Item 4: Map, Wagner's Complete Map of Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Environs, 1944
Item 5: Map, City of Norfolk, Virginia, 1965 August 25
Item 6: Diploma, Gustav Edward Kiligas, 1932 June 13