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Fred Heutte Center Papers


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Fred Heutte Center Papers, 1948-2008, undated | Sargeant Memorial Collection

By Laura Nebuchadnezzar

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Collection Overview

Title: Fred Heutte Center Papers, 1948-2008, undatedAdd to your cart.

ID: 001/01/MSS 0000-021

Primary Creator: Capin, Eleanor (1918-2008)

Extent: 4.0 Boxes

Arrangement: Arranged by series. Series 1: Published Writings, Series 2: Organizations, Series 3: Projects, Series 4: Events, Series 5: Miscellaneous. A majority of folders were kept in their original order; however, the Gardening Articles, Gardening in the Temperate Zone, Weeder's Digest, Clippings, and Correspondence folders have been arranged in chronological order. Some loose materials were added to the ends of folders of the subject to which they best belong.

Date Acquired: 08/25/2008

Subjects: Gardening--Societies, etc., Gardening--Southern States, Nonprofit organizations, Norfolk (Va.), Norfolk Botanical Garden, Organizations

Forms of Material: Agendas (administrative records), Annual reports, Application forms, Articles, Articles of incorporation, Booklets, Brochures, Business cards, Bylaws (administrative records), Certificates, Clippings (information artifacts), Correspondence, Envelopes, Excerpts, Feasibility studies, Financial statements, Fliers (printed matter), Greeting cards, Invitations, Invoices, Itineraries, Lists (document genres), Magazines (periodicals), Maps (documents), Membership lists, Memorandums, Minutes (administrative records), Newsletters, Newspapers, Notes, Photocopies, Plans (reports), Postcards, Press releases, Proposals, Recipes, Reports, Royalty statements, Transcripts

Languages: English

Scope and Contents of the Materials

Papers relating to the Fred Heutte Center in Ghent Square, Fred Heutte Foundation, Garden Clubs of Greater Hampton Roads, and Norfolk Botanical Gardens. The papers include gardening articles and transcripts of radio broadcasts, along with correspondence relating to the publication of Fred Heutte's 1977 book Gardening in the Temperate Zone. Organizational records include agendas, minutes, budget statements, correspondence, and notes. These papers were collected by Eleanor Capin and include some of her personal papers along with those of Fred Heutte.

Biographical Note

Eleanor Hoffman Capin was born on October 9, 1918 in Elizabeth, New Jersey. She grew up in New York City and was a hat model in her early 20s. She married Samuel Rudolphe Capin on January 15, 1944 in Manhattan, New York and moved to Norfolk, Virginia soon after. Capin volunteered for several organizations during her life in Norfolk, including the Needlework Guild of America and the Children's Art Center. She was also a major player in the opening of the DePaul Hospital Gift Shop, Fred Heutte Horticultural Foundation, and the Fred Heutte Center. Capin was also responsible for the creation of a regional nonprofit organization called the Amputee Support Group. In 1976, she was a member of the City of Norfolk's Bicentennial Commission. Capin died on September 13, 2008 in Virginia Beach, Virginia and was buried at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Norfolk, Virginia.

Subject/Index Terms

Gardening--Societies, etc.
Gardening--Southern States
Nonprofit organizations
Norfolk (Va.)
Norfolk Botanical Garden

Administrative Information

Repository: Sargeant Memorial Collection

Access Restrictions: This collection is open to all researchers.

Use Restrictions: The status of copyright for these materials is governed by Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, U. S. C.). Copyright restrictions may apply.

Acquisition Source: Eleanor H. Capin by donation

Preferred Citation: Fred Heutte Center Papers, MSS 0000-021, Sargeant Memorial Collection, Norfolk Public Library, Norfolk, Virginia.

Processing Information: Processed September 19, 2016.

Box and Folder Listing

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[Box 1],
[Box 2],
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[Box 4],

Box 2Add to your cart.
Series 2: OrganizationsAdd to your cart.
Folder 1: Norfolk Botanical Garden, 1961-1989, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Correspondence, Sam T. Barfield to A. J. Parsons, 1979 November 20Add to your cart.
Item 2: Correspondence, Richard J. Pruhs to Cal Sims, 1981 March 26Add to your cart.
Item 3: Correspondence, Frederic Heutte to Francis A. Gregory, 1965 October 1Add to your cart.
Includes Norfolk Botanical Garden School Prospectus.
Item 4: Outline, Membership for Old Dominion Horticultural Society, circa 1962 DecemberAdd to your cart.
Document notes that the Old Dominion Horticultural Society changed to the Norfolk Botanical Garden Society, effective January 1963. "To be incorporated in the Fifth Annual Report. - F.H."
Item 5: Correspondence, unknown to Eleanor Capin, 1978 June 21Add to your cart.
Concerns landscaping at the Chrysler Museum.
Item 6: Memorandum, Frederic Heutte to Eleanor Capin, Relative to Solar Greenhouse, 1979 April 28Add to your cart.
Item 7: Article, Norfolk's Waterfront A Challenge to all of us, by Fred Heutte, 1976 October 3Add to your cart.
Part 4 in the evaluation of Norfolk's downtown rehabilitation.
Item 8: Memorandum, for Eleanor Capin, Relative to Horticultural Library, 1979 March 1Add to your cart.
Item 9: Prospectus, The Frederic Heutte Museum of Plants Practicum, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 10: Proposal, Downtown Norfolk and its Proposed Garden, 1976 August 16Add to your cart.
Item 11: Article, Downtown Beautification, by Fred Heutte, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 12: Correspondence, Frederic Heutte to Eleanor Capin, 1976 October 4Add to your cart.
Item 13: Outline, "Why A Horticultural Center?", undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 14: Minutes, Steering Committee meeting, 1989 May 25Add to your cart.
Item 15: Map, The Norfolk Botanical Garden Master Plan, circa 1961Add to your cart.
Copy of Marion Gearreald.
Item 16: Report, Norfolk Botanical Garden Third Annual Report, 1961 January 1Add to your cart.
Copy of Marion Gearreald.
Item 17: Report, Botanical Garden Commission, 1966 January 19Add to your cart.
Frederic Heutte's last accumulative report as director of the Norfolk Botanical Garden for December 1965.
Item 18: Statement, "My association after January 1, 1965" by Fred Heutte, undatedAdd to your cart.
Concerns Fred Heutte's retirement.
Item 19: Draft, Norfolk's Botanical Gardens, 1938-1965, undatedAdd to your cart.
Three pages.
Item 20: Article, The Story of a Garden's Beginning 1938-1965, 1965 December 31Add to your cart.
The history of the Norfolk Botanical Garden.
Item 21: Article, The Story of a Garden's Beginning 1935-1965, 1965 December 31Add to your cart.
The history of the Norfolk Botanical Garden.
Item 22: Article, The Story of a Garden's Beginning, 1936-1965, undatedAdd to your cart.
Six pages. Includes page for Herb Knot Garden and a photocopy of a note from Fred to Suzanne.
Folder 2: Friends of Fred Heutte Foundation (Folder 1 of 2), 1967-1991, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Membership form, Friends of Fred Heutte Foundation, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 2: Biographical data, on Frederic Heutte, 1967 April 10Add to your cart.
Item 3: List of responsibilities, Heutte Administration, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 4: List of responsibilities, Heutte Administration, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 5: Correspondence, Kitty Patterson to Richard E. Rumble, 1986 July 18Add to your cart.
A list of responsibilities chosen by Kitty Patterson. Copied to Eleanor Capin, Bob Stern, and a file copy.
Item 6: Agenda, Steering Committee meeting, 1986 September 25Add to your cart.
Item 7: Minutes, Steering Committee meeting, 1986 August 27Add to your cart.
Item 8: Agenda, Steering Committee meeting, 1984 November 28Add to your cart.
Item 9: Correspondence, Lawrence Kreshin to Eleanor Capin, 1985 November 26Add to your cart.
A response regarding construction of landscaping at Terminal on the Square.
Item 10: Agenda, Steering Committee meeting, 1986 August 27Add to your cart.
Item 11: Agenda, Steering Committee meeting, 1986 May 28Add to your cart.
Item 12: Agenda, Unspecified, 1986 April 30Add to your cart.
Item 13: Agenda, Steering Committee meeting, 1986 March 27Add to your cart.
Item 14: Minutes, Steering Committee meeting, 1986 April 30Add to your cart.
Includes April 28, 1986 memorandum from Robert L. Stern.
Item 15: Minutes, Steering Committee meeting, 1986 March 27Add to your cart.
Item 16: Minutes, Steering Committee meeting, 1986 February 26Add to your cart.
Item 17: Minutes, Board of Trustees meeting, 1991 June 20Add to your cart.
Item 18: Minutes, Steering Committee meeting, 1985 December 18Add to your cart.
Item 19: Minutes, Steering Committee meeting, 1985 November 20Add to your cart.
Item 20: Rough minutes, Steering Committee meeting, 1985 December 18Add to your cart.
Item 21: Statement of purpose, Support of Fred Heutte Horticultural CenterAdd to your cart.
Item 22: Correspondence, Julian F. Hirst to James S. McNider, III, 1986 March 13Add to your cart.
Item 23: Correspondence, Julian F. First to City of Norfolk officials, 1986 April 23Add to your cart.
Sent to Constitutional officers, City Council officers, Clerks of Courts, and Heads of Supreme Budget Agencies from the City Manager of Norfolk, Virginia.
Item 24: Correspondence, James S. McNider, III to Julian F. Hirst, 1986 March 12Add to your cart.
Item 25: Notes, Beautification project, 1984Add to your cart.
Item 26: Agenda, Unspecified meeting, 1986 April 30Add to your cart.
Item 27: Announcement, Beautification project, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 28: Correspondence, Robert L. Stern to Richard Rumble, 1986 July 17Add to your cart.
Item 29: Resignation note, Robert L. Stern, 1985 March 5Add to your cart.
Item 30: Agenda, Steering Committee meeting, 1986 July 30Add to your cart.
Item 31: Minutes, Steering Committee meeting, 1986 January 30Add to your cart.
Item 32: Correspondence, Charles A. Huckins to Mrs. Glenn H. Randall, 1985 June 13Add to your cart.
Item 33: List, Members of the Friends of Fred Heutte Steering Committee, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 34: Invitation, for charter membership, Friends of Fred Heutte Foundation, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 35: Fact sheet, Friends of Fred Heutte Foundation, 1982Add to your cart.
Item 36: List, contact information for Friends of Fred Heutte Foundation Board of Trustees, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 37: Annual report, unspecified, 1984 JulyAdd to your cart.
Item 38: Minutes, Steering Committee meeting, 1985 October 16Add to your cart.
Item 39: Implementation plan, brainstorming session notes, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 40: Agenda, Board of Trustees meeting, 1989 November 2Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Friends of Fred Heutte Foundation (Folder 2 of 2), 1977-1990, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 41: Implementation plan, Unspecified 30 day plan, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 42: Memorandum, L. E. Sternberg to Patrick J. Mene, 1984 February 22Add to your cart.
Concerns the development of a mission for the Friends of Fred Heutte Foundation.
Item 43: Minutes, Steering Committee meeting, 1985 September 18Add to your cart.
Item 44: Minutes, Steering Committee meeting, 1985 August 21Add to your cart.
Item 45: List, Board of Trustees meetings, circa 1990Add to your cart.
Information taken from 1989 calendars.
Item 46: Mission statement, Friends of Fred Heutte Foundation, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 47: List, Accomplishments of Fred Heutte Center, circa 1990Add to your cart.
Information taken from Fred Heutte Center 1989 newsletters.
Item 48: Correspondence, Eleanor Capin to Richard E. Rumble, 1990 June 7Add to your cart.
Copied to Henry Clay Hofheimer, II.
Item 49: Correspondence, James S. McNider, III to Julian F. Hirst, 1985 March 11Add to your cart.
Copied to Neal S. Windley, Eleanor Capin, and Henry Clay Hofheimer, II.
Item 50: Record, Unanimous consent in lieu of annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the Friends of Fred Heutte Foundation, 1986 July 25Add to your cart.
A resolution that the current directors would continue to serve for the following year and until succeeded by qualified electees.
Item 51: Memorandum, Robert L. Stern to Members of Steering Committee, 1986 April 28Add to your cart.
A memo regarding a misinterpretation of Robert L. Stern's proposition at the last steering committee meeting, along with an agenda for the April 30th meeting, and a copy of the meeting minutes and agenda of the meeting on March 27, 1986. Also attached is a brief overview of the Fred Heutte Center's unique operation and a reply card for the groundbreaking ceremony for the Herb Knot Garden.
Item 52: Correspondence, Teddy R. Kern to Friends of Fred Heutte Foundation, 1980 December 10Add to your cart.
A letter from the Internal Revenue Service. Includes business card of James S. McNider, III.
Item 53: Bylaws, Friends of Fred Heutte Foundation, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 54: Correspondence, Patrick J. Mene to Julian F. Hirst, 1984 April 16Add to your cart.
Includes a budget for the fiscal year ending July 31, 1985 and a business plan for the Friends of Fred Heutte Foundation.
Item 55: Articles of incorporation, Friends of Fred Heutte Foundation, 1980 November 10Add to your cart.
Includes articles of amendment.
Item 56: Record, Assets of the Friends of Fred Heutte Foundation, 1982 July 12Add to your cart.
Item 57: Record, Annual meeting and written consent of Board of Directors of the Friends of Fred Heutte Foundation, circa 1980Add to your cart.
Includes an annual report for the corporation and remarks for David R. Rice for the dedication of the Fred Heutte Horticultural Center.
Item 58: Correspondence, James S. McNider, III to Stephen Cooper, 1985 September 3Add to your cart.
A letter regarding the finances of the Friends of Fred Heutte Foundation.
Item 59: Annual report, Friends of Fred Heutte Foundation, 1981Add to your cart.
A report for the State Corporation Commission, Commonwealth of Virginia.
Item 60: Chart, Responsibilities, Friends of Fred Heutte Foundation, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 61: Fact sheet, The Friends of Fred Heutte Foundation, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 62: Fact sheet, The Friends of Fred Heutte Foundation, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 63: Articles of incorporation, Friends of Fred Heutte Foundation, 1980 July 24Add to your cart.
Item 64: Articles of incorporation, Friends of Fred Heutte Foundation, 1980 July 24Add to your cart.
Item 65: Correspondence, James S. McNider, III to James B. Oliver, Jr., 1988 January 15Add to your cart.
Concerns upcoming budget.
Item 66: Minutes, Steering Committee meeting, 1990 January 25Add to your cart.
Item 67: Roster, Steering Committee, 1988 January 15Add to your cart.
Item 68: List, Steering Committee Calling List, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 69: Form, Working Committee Notes, circa 1977Add to your cart.
Includes sticky note to Kitty with recommendation to use form as an outline for future Steering Committee meeting notes. Also includes photocopy of form with edits.
Item 70: Minutes, Dedication Planning Meeting, 1988 January 28Add to your cart.
Item 71: List, Logistics and goals, undatedAdd to your cart.
Two pages pertaining to organizing departments, displays, and events.
Item 72: Correspondence, Tracey B. Wrightson to Craig Siska, 1987 December 4Add to your cart.
Concerns obtaining boxwood for the garden.
Item 73: List, Continuing a Tradition, undatedAdd to your cart.
Fred Heutte, the Center's Namesake; Member Benefits; and Services.
Item 74: Proposal, The Heutte Award, undatedAdd to your cart.
One page proposal to sponsor an award to recognize outstanding contributions to the beautification of the Hampton Roads area.
Item 75: List, 30 Day Plan, 1984Add to your cart.
Lists 30 day plan for increased membership, benefits, participation, visibility, and funding.
Item 76: Membership form, Friends of Fred Heutte Foundation, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 4: The Frederic Heutte Museum of Plants Practicum, 1976, 1979, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Prospectus, The Frederic Heutte Museum of Plants Practicum, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 2: Prospectus, "Relative to Museum Objective in its goal of Plant Practicum", 1979 May 24Add to your cart.
Item 3: List, Items to be included in Museum of Plants Practicum, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 4: Notes, Plants Practicum, 1979 March 25Add to your cart.
Labeled, "notes: after studying my own proposals." Edits to the plans for the Museum of Plants Practicum.
Item 5: Memorandum, Frederic Heutte to Eleanor Capin, 1979 March 26Add to your cart.
States "Plants and Science Library" (Museum of Plants Practicum) should not be a scientific establishment. Memorandum 4.
Item 6: Memorandum, Frederic Heutte to Eleanor Capin, 1979 April 10Add to your cart.
A summary of other notes and memorandums recently given to Eleanor Capin.
Item 7: Memorandum, Frederic Heutte to Eleanor Capin, "Relative to Horticultural Museum", undatedAdd to your cart.
Memorandum 2.
Item 8: Memorandum, Frederic Heutte to Eleanor Capin, 1979 March 25Add to your cart.
Memorandum 3.
Item 9: Memorandum, Frederic Heutte to Eleanor Capin, "relative to a Headquarters for Horticulture", 1979 April 9Add to your cart.
Labeled, "Synopsis of Previous Suggestions".
Item 10: Notes, Plants Practicum, 1979 March 25Add to your cart.
Item 11: List, Items to be included in Museum of Plants Practicum, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 12: Memorandum, Frederic Heutte to Eleanor Capin, "Relative to a Headquarters for Horticulture", 1979 April 9Add to your cart.
Item 13: List, Items to be included in Museum of Plants Practicum, undatedAdd to your cart.
Highlighted photocopy.
Item 14: Memorandum, Frederic Heutte to Eleanor Capin, 1979 April 10Add to your cart.
A summary of the other notes and memorandums recently given to Eleanor Capin. Highlighted photocopy.
Item 15: Notes, Plants Practicum, 1979 March 25Add to your cart.
Highlighted photocopy.
Item 16: Memorandum, Frederic Heutte to Eleanor Capin, "Relative to Horticultural Museum", undatedAdd to your cart.
Highlighted photocopy.
Item 17: Memorandum, Frederic Heutte to Eleanor Capin, 1979 March 25Add to your cart.
Item 18: Memorandum, Frederic Heutte to Eleanor Capin, 1979 March 26Add to your cart.
Item 19: Proposal, Downtown Norfolk and its Proposed Garden, 1976 August 16Add to your cart.
Item 20: Proposal, Downtown Norfolk and its Proposed Garden, 1976 August 16Add to your cart.
Draft. Includes an envelope addressed to Eleanor Capin postmarked August 24, 1976 and a clipping of an article from the Virginian-Pilot about a Feng shui kit from Signals catalog.
Folder 5: Fred Heutte Center (Folder 1 of 2), 1982-1999, undatedAdd to your cart.
Documents about the Frederic Heutte Horticultural Center on Terminal Square in Norfolk, Virginia.
Item 1: Newsletter, The Fred Heutte Center, 1999 JuneAdd to your cart.
Addressed to Eleanor Capin.
Item 2: Correspondence, William V. Tynes to Jim McNider, III, 1991 December 16Add to your cart.
Addresses lighting concerns from the Ghent Square Community Association.
Item 3: Financial statement, Cash receipts and disbursements, 1992 February 28Add to your cart.
Item 4: Agenda, Board of Trustees meeting, 1992 March 19Add to your cart.
Item 5: Correspondence, William V. Tynes to Jim McNider, III, 1991 December 16Add to your cart.
Item 6: Correspondence, James S. McNider, III to William M. Bodnar, 1992 January 27Add to your cart.
Response to Friends of Fred Heutte Foundation budget proposal for the fiscal year of 1992-1993.
Item 7: Report, The Fred Heutte Center, Museums Assessment Program, undatedAdd to your cart.
From the American Association of Museums.
Item 8: Newsletter, The Fred Heutte Center, 1986 May - 1986 JuneAdd to your cart.
Volume 4, number 2.
Item 9: Notes, "We Serve The Public", undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 10: Newsletter, Frederic Heutte Horticultural Center, 1984 JuneAdd to your cart.
Item 11: Statement of purpose, Fred Heutte Horticultural Center, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 12: Newsletter, The Fred Heutte Center, 1998 JuneAdd to your cart.
Item 13: Newsletter, The Fred Heutte Center, 1998 OctoberAdd to your cart.
Item 14: Newsletter, The Fred Heutte Center, 1998 September - 1998 OctoberAdd to your cart.
Item 15: Announcement, Urban Gardener Lecture Series, 1988Add to your cart.
Item 16: Budget, Projection for 1986, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 17: Financial statement, Cash receipts and disbursements, 1986 AprilAdd to your cart.
Item 18: Financial statement, Cash receipts and disbursements, 1985 July - 1986 JuneAdd to your cart.
Item 19: Calendar, Fred Heutte Horticultural Center, March - AprilAdd to your cart.
Item 20: Press release, Groundbreaking Ceremony for Herb Knot Garden, circa 1986Add to your cart.
Item 21: Mission statement, Friends of Fred Heutte Foundation, 1983Add to your cart.
Item 22: Correspondence, Sandra Baylor to Club Members, 1986 January 6Add to your cart.
Concerns the groundbreaking ceremony of the Herb Knot Garden.
Item 23: Fact sheet, The Friends of Fred Heutte Foundation, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 24: Master plan, Fred Heutte Horticultural Center, circa 1982Add to your cart.
Item 25: Press release, Ghent Ferry Terminal to Honor Fred Heutte's Work, undatedAdd to your cart.
A document announcing the acquisition and purpose of the old Ferry Terminal Building in the Ghent area of Norfolk, Virginia.
Item 26: Financial statement, Cash receipts and disbursements, 1988 June 30 to 1989 June 30Add to your cart.
Item 27: Financial statement, Cash receipts and disbursements, 1987 January 1Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Fred Heutte Center (Folder 2 of 2), 1979-1992, undatedAdd to your cart.
Documents about the Frederic Heutte Horticultural Center on Terminal Square in Norfolk, Virginia.
Item 27: Correspondence, Eleanor Capin to Julian Hurst, 1986 July 23Add to your cart.
A letter about the Fred Heutte Center plan for Knot Garden maintenance.
Item 28: Record, Norfolk By the Sea to Eleanor Capin, 1982 July 23Add to your cart.
Item 29: Statement of purpose, Fred Heutte Horticultural Center, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 30: Press release, "How a private garden works for the public", 1992 April 20Add to your cart.
Item 31: Correspondence, Beth Rossheim to Eleanor Capin, 1983 January 17Add to your cart.
Item 32: Statement of purpose, Fred Heutte Horticultural Center, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 33: Notes, Procedures for opening and running the Fred Heutte Center, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 34: Job description, Part-time Administrative and Development Director, Fred Heutte Center, 1989 SeptemberAdd to your cart.
Item 35: Newsletter, The Fred Heutte Horticultural Center, 1984 AugustAdd to your cart.
Volume 2, number 3.
Item 36: Memorandum, Fred Heutte to Eleanor Capin, 1979 April 10Add to your cart.
A synopsis of previous notes.
Item 37: Correspondence, Robert L. Stern to unknown, 1985 August 29Add to your cart.
Concerns recognition of the efforts and achievements of Fred Heutte.
Item 38: Statement, Remarks for David R. Rice, circa 1980 NovemberAdd to your cart.
Remarks for the dedication of the Fred Heutte Horticulture Center at Terminal on the Square in Norfolk, Virginia.
Item 39: Newsletter, The Fred Heutte Horticultural Center, circa 1986Add to your cart.
A special newsletter with an announcement of the Groundbreaking Ceremony of the Herb Knot Garden in celebration of Fred Heutte's birthday on March 19, 1986.
Item 40: List, Goals of Center, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 41: Article, Frederic Heutte to the Center, undatedAdd to your cart.
Concerns the history of Fred Heutte and the Frederic Heutte Horticultural Center.
Folder 7: Herb Club, 1983-1991, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Statement of purpose, Herb Knot Garden, undatedAdd to your cart.
An outline of reasons for making an herb knot garden in the center of the Fred Heutte Center's landscape design.
Item 2: Maps, Knot Garden Area, undatedAdd to your cart.
Maps of the plan for the Herb Knot Garden design in relation to the other landscape features of the Fred Heutte Center.
Item 3: Comprehensive plan, Knot Garden for the Fred Heutte Center Terminal on the Square, Norfolk, Virginia, undatedAdd to your cart.
Steps to prepare and plant the Herb Knot Garden.
Item 4: Maps, Fred Heutte Center landscape, undatedAdd to your cart.
A landscape map of the Terminal on the Square and a close up map of the raised Herb Knot Garden.
Item 5: Instructions, Tassels and ropework, undatedAdd to your cart.
Diagrams and instructions for how to make decorative ropework such as tassels.
Item 6: Minutes, Steering Committee, 1989 November 30Add to your cart.
Also included are the bylaws of the Herb Club of Greater Hampton Roads.
Item 7: Correspondence, Executive Board, Herb Club of Greater Hampton Roads to Members of the Board of Trustees, 1991 February 12Add to your cart.
Item 8: Guidelines, Proposed organization guidelines for Herb Club of Greater Hampton Roads, 1984Add to your cart.
Item 9: Map, Herb Knot Garden, undatedAdd to your cart.
An unlabeled landscape map of the layout for the Terminal on the Square in Norfolk, Virginia.
Item 10: Program, Groundbreaking Ceremony of the Herb Knot Garden of Hampton Roads, 1986 March 19Add to your cart.
A tribute to the memory of Frederic Heutte.
Item 11: Envelope, Admiral and Mrs. W. L. McDonald to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Capin, 1984 November 21Add to your cart.
Item 12: Fact sheet, Friends of Fred Heutte Foundation, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 13: Recipes, breads, Giant's School of Cooking, undatedAdd to your cart.
Recipes for Swedish rye loaves, white bread, whole wheat bread, and casserole dill bread.
Item 14: Minutes, Fred Heutte Foundation Steering Committee, 1984 October 30Add to your cart.
Item 15: Newsletter, Fred Heutte Horticultural Center, 1984 November - 1984 DecemberAdd to your cart.
Volume 2, number 5.
Item 16: Plan, Improvements and priorities, circa 1983Add to your cart.
Organization unspecified.
Item 17: Newsletter, Fred Heutte Horticultural Center, 1984 JuneAdd to your cart.
Volume 2, number 2.
Item 18: Map, Herb Knot Garden, undatedAdd to your cart.
Photocopy of map prepared by M. B. Keiter. Includes sheet of plants used in map, which are identified by common name and scientific name.
Item 19: Membership list, Herb Club of Greater Hampton Roads, 1987 March 16Add to your cart.
Item 20: Membership list, Herb Club of Greater Hampton Roads, 1987 September 16Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Herb Sales, 1987-1992, undatedAdd to your cart.
Documents from the Herb Sale, hosted by the Herb Club.
Item 1: Newsletter, Sixth Annual Herb Sale, 1987 AprilAdd to your cart.
A news release about the annual Herb Sale in 1987.
Item 2: Memorandum, Patti Waigner to Vaughan Frederick, 1991 March 19Add to your cart.
An update on the planning of the Tenth Annual Herb Sale, including comments and questions from Patti Wainger.
Item 3: Memorandum, Herb Sale Committee agenda, 1991 April 4Add to your cart.
An agenda for the Herb Club Committee.
Item 4: Report, Herb Sale progress, 1991 April 4Add to your cart.
A report of progress prior to the Tenth Annual Herb Sale.
Item 5: Receipts, for herbs, 1991 April 3-4Add to your cart.
Three receipts for plants bought from Lynnbrier Greenhouses, Inc., Anderson's Greenhouses, Inc., and Myrtle Grove Greenhouses.
Item 6: Memorandum, Herb Sale 1991 Volunteers, 1991 April 13Add to your cart.
A list of job duties for herb sale volunteers.
Item 7: Memorandum, Herb Sale plant list, 1991 April 13-14Add to your cart.
Item 8: List of volunteers, Herb Sale, 1991 April 13-14Add to your cart.
Item 9: Information sheet, Herb Plant Sale, undatedAdd to your cart.
Draft list of plants for the herb sale and their descriptions.
Item 10: Information sheet, Herb Information, undatedAdd to your cart.
Draft list of plants for the herb sale and their descriptions.
Item 11: Price list, Herbs, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 12: Instructions, Signage for Herb Sale, 1992Add to your cart.
A list of signs to be made for the Eleventh Annual Herb Sale, and how to make them.
Item 13: Correspondence, John T. Midgett to James McNider, 1992 March 17Add to your cart.
A letter from the law offices of Crenshaw, Ware, & Martin, enclosing a sample release for the Herb Sale.
Item 14: Agenda, Board of Trustees meeting, 1992 March 19Add to your cart.
Item 15: Agenda, Herb Sale Volunteer Program, 1992 March 19Add to your cart.
A list of tasks for the volunteer club for the Eleventh Annual Herb Club.
Item 16: Agenda, Herb Sale, 1992 January - MarchAdd to your cart.
Item 17: Press release, Eleventh Annual Herb Sale, 1992 March 26Add to your cart.
Item 18: Memorandum, News Release for Herb Sale, 1992 April 1Add to your cart.
A news release about the Eleventh Annual Herb Sale.
Item 19: Agenda, Herb Sale, First week of April, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 20: Agenda, Herb Sale, 1992 April 11Add to your cart.
An agenda for the day of the Eleventh Annual Herb Sale.
Item 21: Announcements, Eleventh Annual Herb Sale, 1992Add to your cart.
Promotional "PSA's" for the Herb Sale.
Item 22: Fliers, Herb Sale, 1992 April 11-12Add to your cart.
Promotes the 1992 Herb Sale at the Terminal on the Square at Botetourt Gardens in Norfolk, Virginia.
Item 23: Instructions, Volunteers for Herb Sale, 1992Add to your cart.
A list of tasks and instructions for Herb Sale volunteers.
Item 24: Map, Herb Sale layout, undatedAdd to your cart.
A photocopy of a handdrawn map of the Herb Sale layout.
Item 25: Instructions, Cashier and Account, 1992Add to your cart.
Cashier and account instruction and supply list for Eleventh Annual Herb Sale.
Item 26: List, Herb Sale Plants, 1992Add to your cart.
A list of plants for the Eleventh Annual Herb Sale.
Item 27: Guide, to growing herbs, undatedAdd to your cart.
A chart of instructions for growing herbs, from the Earthworks Herb Garden Nursery.
Item 28: Guide, Growing Tender Herbs in Hampton Roads, 1990 March 7Add to your cart.
Item 29: Article, Herb Variety in a Jar, undatedAdd to your cart.
Instructions on how to plant a variety of herbs in a strawberry pot.
Item 30: Article, "The Little Dragon", undatedAdd to your cart.
A description of the herb French Tarragon (Artemesia dracunculus), and instructions for different ways to use it.
Item 31: Article, Basil, undatedAdd to your cart.
A description of basil, and instructions for different ways to use it.
Item 32: Press release, Eleventh Annual Herb Sale, 1992 March 24Add to your cart.

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