Search Results | Sargeant Memorial Collection
Searching for Subject: Photocopies
- Collections
- Donna Bluemink 1855 Yellow Fever Research Files, 1795-1856, 1918, 1933, 2001, undated
001/01/MSS 0000-006
- Edgar T. Brown Genealogy Research Collection, 1980s-2000s
001/01/MSS 0000-007
- Robert A. Cutchins, Jr. Collection on Cradock Section of Portsmouth, Virginia, 2005-2012
001/01/MSS 0000-011
- Ferebee Genealogy Collection, 1860s-1990s
001/01/MSS 0000-012
- Paul Garrett Family Research Photocopies, circa 2008
001/01/MSS 0000-014
- Brooke and Tucker Families Papers, 1831-2001
001/01/MSS 0000-020
- Fred Heutte Center Papers, 1948-2008, undated
001/01/MSS 0000-021
- Hughes Family Genealogy Research Files, 1898-2003
001/01/MSS 0000-026
- Shirley Ingram Collection, 1920s-1950s
001/01/MSS 0000-027
- Norman H. Pollock Papers, 1954-1998, undated
001/01/MSS 0000-035
- Mary Denson Pretlow Collection, 1903-2008
001/01/MSS 0000-039
- Bertha Fanning Taylor Papers, 1935-1990, undated
001/01/MSS 0000-043
- R. J. Taylor Genealogy Research Collection, 1978
001/01/MSS 0000-044
- Alice Granbery Walter Genealogy Collection, 1600-1975
001/01/MSS 0000-049
- Hope Powell's Army Records, 1912-1978
001/01/MSS 0000-069
- Sarah Constant Shrine Committee Records, 1957-1984
001/01/MSS 0000-097
- Clan Galbraith Association Newsletters, 1977-2009
001/01/MSS 0000-138
- Drummond Papers, 1795-1892
001/01/MSS 0000-216
- Holland Genealogy Research Collection, 1966-1993
001/01/MSS 0000-244
- Flash-Lights from Headquarters of the Army of Northern Virginia Photocopies, undated
001/01/MSS 0000-246
- Excerpts from Norfolk County Deed Books, 1637-1793, circa 1973
001/01/MSS 0000-291
- Ingram Family Papers, 1906-1947
001/01/MSS 0000-373
- Amelia E. Hitchings Collection on Ruby Martha Etheridge, 1931-1998, undated
001/01/MSS 0000-419
- John H. Rand Research Photocopies, circa 2010
001/01/MSS 0000-423
- Werth & Associates Memorial Fund Records, 1937, 1963, circa 1980-1985
001/01/MSS 0000-426
- Lizzie Crossett Letters, 1860
001/01/MSS 0000-516
- John E. Doyle Letters, 1843, 2010
001/01/MSS 0000-520
- Robert Lloyd Updike Collection, undated
001/01/MSS 0000-528
- Thomas L. Robertson Diary, 1831-1837, undated
001/01/MSS 0000-632
- Tatem Family Papers, 1835-1954, undated
001/01/MSS 0000-644
- Littleton Waller Tazewell Family History Typescript, 1894-1901
001/01/MSS 0000-647
- Lamb Family Genealogy Research Papers, undated
001/01/MSS 0000-683
- Debra Padden Scott Genealogy Research Notes, circa 1979
001/01/MSS 0000-702
- Sargeant Memorial Collection Legacy Genealogy Research Files, 1900-2015
001/01/MSS 0000-GRF
- Sargeant Memorial Collection Map Collection
001/01/MSS 0000-NMP
- John Parker Collection, circa 1850-2008
001/01/MSS 2014-002
- Slover Family Papers, 1920-2006, undated
001/01/MSS 2015-001
- Mary Jane Irwin Davis Genealogy Research, 1974-2004
001/01/MSS 2015-008
- Alfriend and Vickery Families Papers, 1918-2015, undated
001/01/MSS 2015-040
- Kurt Rosenbach Collection, 1905-2010, undated
001/01/MSS 2015-041
- Barbara Buchanan's Azalea Festival Collection, 1955, 1971, 1978
001/01/MSS 2016-021
- Page, Neilson, and Jones Families Letters, 1824-1826, 1829-1834, 1845, undated
001/01/MSS 2016-070
- Joan Byrnes Wright Genealogy Collection
001/01/MSS 2016-087
- Samuel Slover Collection, 1959, 1995, 2006
001/01/MSS 2017-062
- Parker Family Papers, 1756-1943, undated
001/01/MSS 2018-010
- Edwin Robeson MacKethan, Jr. Biography, 2018
001/01/MSS 2018-049
- Mary E. Pickrell Collection on Charles I. Stengle, circa 2018
001/01/MSS 2019-009
- Gibson Family Bible Records, 1960s-1970s
001/01/MSS 2019-025
- Randolph Taylor Lougee Collection on the Ferebee Family, 1905-2013
001/01/MSS 2022-012
- Patricia A. Garrett Collection on Garrett Winery, circa 1900-2001
001/01/MSS 2022-014
- Donna Bluemink 1855 Yellow Fever Research Files, 1795-1856, 1918, 1933, 2001, undated
- Record Groups
City Treasurer
- City of Norfolk Office of the Treasurer Miscellaneous Records, 1918-1995
002/RG 03/0000-003
- City of Norfolk Office of the Treasurer Miscellaneous Records, 1918-1995
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