Searching for Subject: Obituaries--Virginia
Records and Manuscripts
12 Matches)
- Collections
- Major William Baker Papers, 1847-1918
001/01/MSS 0000-003
- Hughes Family Genealogy Research Files, 1898-2003
001/01/MSS 0000-026
- Mabel Chamberlaine Burroughs Scrapbook, 1900-1964, undated
001/01/MSS 0000-079
- Edmonia Lee Whittle Scrapbook, 1860-1965, undated
001/01/MSS 0000-082
- J. R. Williams Funeral Home Ledgers, 1909-1949
001/01/MSS 0000-146
- Alleene C. Jones Scrapbooks, 1912-1977
001/01/MSS 0000-221
- 1936-1940 Norfolk Scrapbook, 1936-1940
001/01/MSS 0000-327
- 1942-1943 Norfolk Scrapbook, 1942-1943
001/01/MSS 0000-329
- Ingram Family Papers, 1906-1947
001/01/MSS 0000-373
- Blow and Cook Families Papers, 1867-1971, undated
001/01/MSS 0000-678
- Page, Neilson, and Jones Families Letters, 1824-1826, 1829-1834, 1845, undated
001/01/MSS 2016-070
- Collections
- Emmet Griffith Photograph, undated
007/MSS 0000-536
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